Maroon 5主唱亞當?李維將主持《周六夜六夜現(xiàn)場》
Lamar)將擔任當晚音樂嘉賓,這也將是他首次在《周六夜現(xiàn)場》表演。[/cn] [en]As previously announced, SNL returns from its winter [w]hiatus[/w] on January 19, with fellow first-timers Jennifer Lawrence and The Lumineers.[/en][cn]據早前報道,詹妮弗·勞倫斯(Jennifer Lawrence)將于1月19日主持新年第一集《周六夜現(xiàn)場》,當晚的音樂嘉賓是The Lumineers,他們都是首次登上這個舞臺。[/cn] [en]Saturday Night Live airs Saturdays at 11:30/10:30c on NBC.[/en][cn]《周六夜現(xiàn)場》于每周六晚在NBC臺播出六夜現(xiàn)場》(Saturday Night Live)的舞臺了。這位《美國之聲》(The Voice)導師將于1月26日主持《周六夜現(xiàn)場》。[/cn] [en]Levine's band Maroon 5 has performed on the long-running series four times before, but this will be the singer's first time hosting. Breakout hip-hop star Kendrick Lamar will make his SNL debut as the musical guest during the same episode.[/en][cn]李維所在樂隊Maroon 5曾在這個舞臺上表演過4次,但這是他首次以主持身份露面。新晉流行歌手肯德里克·拉馬爾(Kendrick Lamar)將擔任當晚音樂嘉賓,這也將是他首次在《周六夜現(xiàn)場》表演。[/cn] [en]As previously announced, SNL returns from its winter [w]hiatus[/w] on January 19, with fellow first-timers Jennifer Lawrence and The Lumineers.[/en][cn]據早前報道,詹妮弗·勞倫斯(Jennifer Lawrence)將于1月19日主持新年第一集《周六夜現(xiàn)場》,當晚的音樂嘉賓是The Lumineers,他們都是首次登上這個舞臺。[/cn] [en]Saturday Night Live airs Saturdays at 11:30/10:30c on NBC.[/en][cn]《周六夜。[/cn]
2013-01-30 -
will make his seventh appearance as musical guest during the episode, promoting his new album "Morning Phase."[/en][cn]NBC電視臺宣布,這位《生活大爆炸》喜劇演員將會主持3月1日播出的那一期《周六夜現(xiàn)場》。而Beck將會在這檔綜藝節(jié)目中第七次作為音樂嘉賓出現(xiàn),推廣他的新專輯《Morning Phase》。[/cn] [en]While it will be Parsons' first time on the series.[/en][cn]這次是Parsons在這檔綜藝節(jié)目的首秀六夜現(xiàn)場》從冬奧會的停播中回歸之后,將會迎來Jim Parsons主持的一期。[/cn] [en]The "Big Bang Theory" funnyman will make his hosting debut on March 1, NBC announced on Thursday (Feb. 13). Beck will make his seventh appearance as musical guest during the episode, promoting his new album "Morning Phase."[/en][cn]NBC電視臺宣布,這位《生活大爆炸》喜劇演員將會主持3月1日播出的那一期《周六夜。[/cn]
2014-02-14 -
[en]Oscar nominees Anne Hathaway and Jeremy Renner will host Saturday Night Live in November, NBC announced on Wednesday.[/en][cn]NBC臺于周三宣布,奧斯卡提名演員安妮·海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)和杰瑞米·雷納(Jeremy Renner )將于11月分別主持《周六夜現(xiàn)場》(Saturday Night Live)。[/cn] [en]Hathaway will return for her third appearance on Nov. 10, with four-time musical guest Rihanna. Renner, who most recently starred in The Bourne Legacy, will make his hosting debut the following weekend on Nov. 17 with musical guest Maroon 5.[/en][cn]海瑟薇將于11月10日第周三度亮相SNL舞臺,當晚的音樂嘉賓是第四次做客SNL的蕾哈娜(Rihanna)。近日出演了《諜影重重4》(The Bourne Legacy)的雷納將于11月17日首次擔任SNL主持,當晚的音樂嘉賓是魔力紅樂隊(Maroon 5)。[/cn] [en]As [w]previously[/w] announced, Louis C.K. will host for the first time on Saturday with musical guest fun.?[/en][cn]據此前報道,路易·CK(Louis C.K)將于本周首次主持SNL,當晚音樂嘉賓是fun樂隊六夜。[/cn]
2012-11-03 -
[en]Chris Pratt never fails to impress us — whether he's fighting off giant dinosaurs, spoofing Nicki Minaj, or, in the case of this never-before-seen SNL [w]sketch[/w], channeling Jason Statham in order to sell us cow face steaks.[/en][cn]克里斯·帕拉特從未讓我們失望過——不管是與巨型恐龍的帥氣作戰(zhàn)還是對麻辣雞的滑稽模仿,抑或是在《周六夜現(xiàn)場》的未播短片中,為了向我們兜售某牌子的牛排,他對杰森·斯坦森的搞怪模仿。[/cn] [en]You'll understand that last one better once you watch the sketch, which was supposed to hit the air back in September 2014 — when the Guardians of the Galaxy star took his turn on the SNL stage — but was ultimately cut from the final lineup because of time [w]constraint[/w]s.[/en][cn]看了該短片后你就能更好理解上面我說到的最后一點。該短片原計劃是在2014年9月播出,那會兒《銀河護衛(wèi)隊》的這名男星重返了《周六夜現(xiàn)場》的舞臺——但最后由于時間限制,該短片最后被裁掉未能播出。[/cn] [en]In the scene, Pratt as "Stafam" takes a break from kicking some ass to shill a questionable piece of beef with the most perfect name of all time.[/en][cn]在此場景里,帕拉特模仿的“斯坦森”剛完成對別人的一番痛打,就轉身向我們推銷起了以“斯坦森”名字的諧音命名的一牛肉制食品六夜現(xiàn)場》的未播短片中,為了向我們兜售某牌子的牛排,他對杰森·斯坦森的搞怪模仿。[/cn] [en]You'll understand that last one better once you watch the sketch, which was supposed to hit the air back in September 2014 — when the Guardians of the Galaxy star took his turn on the SNL stage — but was ultimately cut from the final lineup because of time [w]constraint[/w]s.[/en][cn]看了該短片后你就能更好理解上面我說到的最后一點。該短片原計劃是在2014年9月播出,那會兒《銀河護衛(wèi)隊》的這名男星重返了《周六夜。[/cn]
2015-07-01 -
in with Andy Samberg and the rest of the crew in the [w]musical[/w] number! 滬江娛樂快訊:昨晚,人氣小天王賈斯汀·比伯現(xiàn)身《周六夜現(xiàn)場》第一百部的搞笑短片。短片中,賈斯汀以豐富的表情,夸張的動作盡顯搞笑的功力。作為美國最受歡迎的搞笑節(jié)目,《周六夜現(xiàn)場》云集了無數(shù)大牌明星的傾情演出。除了賈斯汀·比伯之外,賈斯汀·汀布萊克、娜塔麗·波特曼以及邁克爾·波頓等明星也在這第一百部的短片六夜現(xiàn)場》第一百部的搞笑短片。短片中,賈斯汀以豐富的表情,夸張的動作盡顯搞笑的功力。作為美國最受歡迎的搞笑節(jié)目,《周六夜中亮相。
2012-05-15 -
囧瑟夫成為《周六夜現(xiàn)場》最有趣的人 模仿《魔力邁克》大秀六夜脫衣舞
the transformative thesp had up his sleeve. 滬江娛樂快訊:在很多觀眾的印象中,好萊塢明星囧瑟夫一直以羞澀而又溫文爾雅的形象存在。但上星期囧瑟夫參加《周六夜現(xiàn)場》時,竟在現(xiàn)場模仿《魔力邁克》上演脫衣舞男,表演大秀肌肉,讓不少觀眾大跌眼鏡。表演中,他脫掉西裝扔掉馬夾,用盆腔頂推舞蹈用具,做著各種搞笑的動作。更夸張的是,他還跳到一名女性觀眾的身邊,將腿放上該名觀眾的椅子上并對其進行挑逗性的表演,將這名觀眾嚇得摔倒在地,讓現(xiàn)場的觀眾看得目瞪口呆。 接下來,讓我們來看看這段極富喜劇性的夸張表演六夜吧!
教法語的性感女老師 周六夜現(xiàn)場再出惡搞經典六夜?。ㄒ曨l)
周六夜現(xiàn)場再出惡搞經典,人人都愛學法語所為哪般?因為來了個性感的法語老師!保安、學生、同事、家長,無一不為其魅力著迷!有沒有人認出來這位法語老師可是性感女星凱瑟琳·澤塔·瓊斯? 附上凱瑟琳·澤塔·瓊斯小檔案: Catherine Zeta-Jones is a Welsh actress. She began her career on stage at an early age. After starring in a number of United Kingdom and United States television films and small roles in films
2012-05-02 -
大家有沒有覺得,坐飛機的時候,機場安檢神馬的最傷不起了。不過這幫員工們也太有搞笑意識了!這就是美式幽默啊!一起看Saturday Night Live 如何調侃美國機場安檢
2012-11-02 -
《摩登家庭》索菲亞?維加拉搭檔偶像男團 主持"周六夜六夜現(xiàn)場"
繼上周日由奧斯卡最佳男配角提名人喬納·希爾擔當主持之后,《周六夜現(xiàn)場》將迎來一位大美女,她就是《摩登家庭》女星索菲婭·維加拉(Sofia Vergara)。
2012-03-17 -
周六句話表示接下來的一天是周六,即第二天。 例句:?“We’re meeting at the park on Friday, and the following day is Saturday, so don’t forget to join us!” 5.?We’re approaching Saturday. 含義:?這句話暗示著即將迎來周六,即指代第二天。 例句:?“It’s Thursday today, so we’re approaching Saturday, which is just around the corner.” 以上是幾種常見的表達方式,用來表明第二天是周六這一事實。在實際應用中,可以根據語境和場合選擇最合適的表達方式,以確保信息的準確傳達。 ? 如果您對英語學習感興趣,想要深入學習,可以了解滬江網校精品課程,量身定制高效實用的個性化學習方案,專屬督導全程伴學,掃一掃領200暢學卡。