• 職場禮節(jié)美語08 開會也有潛規(guī)則

    refers to the unspoken rules you follow to show courtesy and respect to other people. Any time you don't know the protocol for a meeting, it's best to ask, just to make sure if it's OK to bring you own coffee and which seat is [w]appropriate[/w] for you. 怕自己初入職場鬧笑話?來聽聽新東方的職場系列在線課程吧>>

  • 職場禮節(jié)美語23 眼睛是心靈的窗戶

    異議??赡憧闯鰜淼??我可是一字都沒說呀。 A: You didn't have to. You rolled your eyes. C: 我翻眼睛了嗎?我怎么一點兒都沒覺得。 A:你是下意識的。You were not [w]aware[/w], but several people at the meeting noticed. C:那就是說雖然我嘴上沒表示反對,其它人還是能夠看出來。Was there anything else that I did with my eyes? A:Unfortunately, yes. You looked away several times while Todd was speaking. C:這有什么不好嗎?他說的我都聽過好幾遍了。 A:沒錯。By not looking at Todd, you gave the impression that you had heard it all before and were not the least bit interested in hearing more. C:這我可沒想到。我一直在努力管住自己的嘴巴,不要亂講話。 A:Well, your eyes did that for you. C: Amy, 你還從我的眼神兒里看出什么了? A:When you lost complete interest in what Todd was saying, you just stared at him blankly. It was that old "deer in the headlights" look. C:“車前燈里的鹿”是什么意思??? A:For the deer facing the headlights of an oncoming car, its expression is one of looking, but not seeing. C:你是說我的眼睛雖然看著Todd,但是別人能看出來,我其實并沒有聽進去? A:That's right. The [w]courteous[/w] professional is as conscious of his body language as he is his spoken language. C: Amy, 你能不能再提醒我一下,以后要怎么做,省得我的眼睛把我的想法都泄漏出去了。 A:記住,眼睛是心靈的窗口。Learning to control the message that your eyes send is the key to courteous communication.? 小白領張小盒同學的職場英語課>>

  • 職場禮節(jié)美語43 特殊事件怎么處理才得當

    出了各種問題。 A:Like what? C:有的人說跟Lyn不熟, 買禮物好像不太合適。但是大家并不介意湊份子,一起給Lyn買個像樣的禮物。 A:Sometimes with these events, people aren't sure how much to spend, like you, and they don't want to [w]come off[/w] looking [w]stingy[/w] or cheap. Occasionally someone just doesn't have any extra money to spend on an unanticipated expense. C:其實我手頭也有點緊。 A:So did you work things out? C:Sue決定大家一起湊錢給Lyn買禮物,每人只要交幾塊錢就行了。她還說,如果有人不愿意,也沒有關系。 A:That sounds like you all came up with the perfect solution. It is always nice to recognize special occasions in the office, like birthdays, weddings and the arrival of babies. C:不過我覺得,辦公室里遇到這種事情,應該有一個大家都覺得合適的做法。 A:I agree. These occasions are opportunities to build relationships with our co-workers, get to know each other outside the office and have some fun together. B if everyone is not in agreement, you'll create ill will instead of good will.? 想了解更多職場文化?跟張小盒同學一起學習吧>> ???

  • 職場禮節(jié)美語49 設身處地為他人多想想

    會了。一會兒午飯時見。 ****** 陳豪中午跟Amy一起吃飯。 A:So Chen Hao tell me what other issues are on your mind. C:我覺得辦公室里有些人做事從來不考慮別人。在我前面最后一個用復印機的人肯定是因為辦公室里紙都用光了,所以才沒有把紙加滿。 A:It shouldn't matter how urgent your project is, the considerate thing is to let someone know about the problem even if you don't have the time or ability to solve it. C:對呀,沒時間起碼可以通知辦公室主管,找別人把紙加上。還有啊,用禮完了剪刀和訂書機,應該馬上放回原處。 A:You are right. It's everyone's job to [w]clean up[/w] after themselves and put things back where they belong. C:另外還有,不管是誰用完復印機,都應該將復印機的設置復原。這樣能省別人很多麻煩。這點要求不過份吧? A:Not at all. You are learning by experience the steps you can take to make your co-workers' jobs easier and more productive. Everyone benefits when we work together. C:那你說,下次辦公室開會,我們都要提出哪些建議呢? A:We should ask to have time on the agenda for discussing copy room issues. The three most important would be (1) refill the paper tray when you finish a job; (2) if there is no more paper, let the appropriate person know; and (3) put things back where they belong.? 想了解更多職場文化?跟張小盒同學一起學習吧>>????

  • 職場禮節(jié)美語13 請人吃飯也有講究

    your responsibility to choose an appropriate restaurant, taking care as much as possible ahead of time such as arranging for how to pay the bill and requesting a nice table. Then it will be an enjoyable evening for all. 新東方在線職場系列課程>>?

  • 職場禮節(jié)美語66 有效找到交談人

    陳豪在北京的ABC美國公司工作。他下班后跟美國同事Amy一起去參加應酬。 (Office ambience) C:謝謝你陪我來,Amy, 每次公司有這種應酬,我都特別不自在。 A:Why not? They are usually [w]upscale[/w] events held in attractive places with good food. C:吃的倒是不錯,可我不習慣跟陌生人接觸。 A:That's one of the reasons we go, to meet other business people and build [w]productive[/w] relationships. C:那除了多認識人,還有其他原因嗎? A:Yes, [w=reconnect]reconnecting[/w] with people to maintain professional contacts. C:遇到熟人還好,不過我最怕的就是跟陌生人打交道,老覺得特尷尬。 A:We talked a while back about being prepared, finding out about the people who will be at the event and planning what you will talk about. C:我每次都準備得挺好,可一到現(xiàn)場,就不知所措了。怎樣做才能不讓人覺得魯莽呢? A:To be [w]courteous[/w], you need to know which people are [w]approachable[/w] and which ones are not. C:我怎么知道什么人愿意理睬我呢? A:Let's find a quiet spot where I can give you a few tips. ****** 陳豪和Amy走到一個人少得地方。 C:Any, 你快告訴我,什么樣的人我可以主動走過去搭訕呢? A:The most approachable ones are standing alone. They are probably looking for someone to talk to. C:如果他們不想說話呢? A:There are signals you can use to see if the person standing alone is friendly or not. C:你是說肢體語言嗎? A:That's right. Look the other person in the eye as you approach. If he looks away or ignores you, that's a clear message that he is not interested in meeting you. C:如果他避開我的目光,就是沒興趣。那你剛才說的微笑呢? A:After you have made [w]eye contact[/w], smile at the person. If he returns your smile, you have a [w]non-verbal[/w] invitation to approach. C:如果從對方的肢體語言能看出,他不愿跟別人交談呢? A:Move on and look for someone else. C:那如果大家都在交談,我就只好能別人來

  • 職場禮節(jié)美語101 綠色環(huán)保 三


  • 職場禮節(jié)美語84 文化習俗偏好及其他


  • 職場禮節(jié)美語54 開門關門有講究

    能把報告打回去,讓他重寫。你覺得我應該怎么做呢? A:You should have shut your door while you were talking to him so no one else would overhear you. C:你不是說辦公室應該開著門的嗎? A:I did, but I didn't say that you should have it open all the time. C:剛才Todd 進來的時候門就是開著的,所以我就沒關。 A:You needed to get up from your desk and shut the door. Or you could have asked Todd to close the door. Then you could have had your talk in private. C:我明白了,謝謝你,Amy.? 想了解更多職場文化?跟張小盒同學一起學習吧>>

  • 職場禮節(jié)美語37 公司聚會規(guī)矩多

    想想吧。 ****** 到了第二天.... A:Well, CH, did you decide to go to the party? C:去,不過我要帶個朋友。 A:I hate to tell you this, but that would not be acceptable. C:星期六晚上出去應酬,帶個朋友還不行嗎? A:Unless your invitation says "and guest, " it would be poor [w]etiquette[/w] to take someone with you. C:那好,我打個照面,待一會兒就走。 A:That's not going to work either. This is a seated dinner party so you have stay the entire time. C:晚餐完了我總可以走了吧? A:You must stay until our host, the boss, stands to [w]indicate[/w] that dinner is over. Then good manners dictate you don't leave before your thank him for the evening and tell him good-bye. C:Amy, 我真沒想到,公司派對還會這么鄭重其事。還有什么要注意的嗎? A:Just a word of caution. If you drink alcoholic beverages, do it in moderation. Some people forget that rule and overdo it. Not only is it embarrassing, you could jeopardize your job. C:這我知道,一定注意不會多喝。你能不能再總結一下,看看都有哪些注意事項。 A:Attendance is required. Read your invitation carefully so you know what the occasion is and if guests are included. C:我知道,還有就是晚宴結束前不能告退。 A:That's right. Don't forget to say your good-byes. And go easy on the alcohol. C:謝謝你,Amy,我一定照辦。 想了解更多職場文化?跟張小盒同學一起學習吧>> ?