傲慢與偏見因而做草率的決定。 下面來欣賞一下小說里的經(jīng)典臺詞吧。 [en]It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.[/en] [cn]凡是有錢的單身漢,總想娶位太太,這已經(jīng)成了一條舉世公認的真理。[/cn] in possession of 有“擁有、占有”的意思 [en]E.g That’s probably why you’re in possession of this audible book now.[/en] [cn]這可能就是為什么你現(xiàn)在擁有這本有聲書的原因。[/cn] in want of 有“需要,缺少”的意思 [en]E.g A bit tougher than I’d like, and in want of spicing, but I’ll not complain too loudly.[/en] [cn]雖然有點硬,又沒有醬料,但我還是不抱怨的好。[/cn] [en]Affection is desirable, money is absolutely
經(jīng)典入了奧斯汀創(chuàng)造的維多利亞時期的英國,領略她用幽默且辛辣的筆觸勾畫出的生動人物。 而現(xiàn)代人也通過電影向她致敬,《成為奧斯汀》讓我們得以窺見她創(chuàng)作的靈感;2005年版凱拉·奈特莉又重新演繹了伊麗莎白;而《B. J. 單身日記》更是由科林·費斯,當年的達西先生塑造了現(xiàn)代版的傲慢英國紳士,近年來BBC不斷重新演繹經(jīng)典,創(chuàng)造出穿越劇《迷失奧斯汀》來顛覆讀者的想象,或者也是原我們的一個夢吧…… 無論你是奧斯汀的忠實粉絲 還是剛接觸她作品的童鞋 無論你有沒有看過以上的作品 都請你們來暢所欲言 說說你們心中《傲慢與偏見》的理想版本! 誰塑造的角色更接近原著?你愿意活在奧斯汀的小說世界中嗎?來聽聽Echo老師的見解<< 活動時間: 8月4日(星期四) 20:00 - 21:00 活動地點:?語音大廳?(>>語音大廳是什么?<<) 主講老師: Echo老師 主持人: 瑤瑤 (為什么要預約:預約后能在活動前收到站內(nèi)短信提醒,不用擔心因為忘了時間而錯過活動~~另外活動結(jié)束后還會收到全程記錄視頻放出的通知,可以及時進行回顧?。?不想錯過任何一堂精彩公開課,可以戳語音活動首頁上的“關(guān)注”按鈕喲~~進入語音活動首頁>> 閱讀《傲慢與偏見》戳這里>>
2011-08-04 -
偏見的英文: prejudice參考例句: Marked by or showing bias; discriminatory. "具有偏見特點的,表現(xiàn)出偏見的;歧視的" (dated sexist)young woman (舊,性別偏見除了這種偏見,就能很好地合作。 I've spent a lifetime fighting against racism and prejudice. 我一輩子都在同種族主義和偏見作斗爭。 Devoid
而就據(jù)此判斷給胖娃打低分。[/cn] [en]They note that there are other potential [w=culprit]culprits[/w], such as the possibility that academic performance for some overweight students might decrease due to bullying. But overall, there’s plenty to suggest that teacher biases play a big part. According to a recent study out of Harvard, weight gain among elementary school students “was [w]significantly[/w] associated with [w=worsen]worsening[/w] teacher [w=perception]perceptions[/w] of academic ability for both boys and girls, regardless of objectively measured ability.”[/en][cn]研究指出,可能還有其他原因存在,諸如偏胖的學生或由于受欺侮而導致學業(yè)水平下降。但總體而言,有足夠證據(jù)表明教師的偏見占了主導地位。哈佛最近開展的一項調(diào)查顯示,就小學生體重增長問題而言,教師對學生的學業(yè)水平表現(xiàn),男生也好,女生也罷,都存有偏見,根本不顧學生實際水平,而這一現(xiàn)象有愈演愈烈趨勢。[/cn] 易詞解詞(BY 摩西) culprit n. 犯人,罪犯;被控犯罪的人。來自1066年諾曼征服之后英國法庭上說的法語Culpable: prest (d'averrer nostre bille) "。意思是檢察官或公訴人宣布:guilty, ready (to prove our case),即:犯罪嫌疑人,趕緊什么都交代了吧。 significantly adv. 意味深長地;值得注目地。significant+副詞后綴-ly,而significant=signifying,后綴-ant拉丁語里表現(xiàn)在分詞。signify意味著是說能作為一個sign,sign是什么?是前人刻在書上指引你方向的標記。 [en]As they point out, overweight individuals tend to have fewer overall opportunities throughout their lives, and if that trend begins in childhood with teachers who give children a [w]mistakenly[/w] low impression of their own achievement, then we need to start addressing that and making sure that all children have equal opportunities from the beginning. [/en][cn]研究指出,總的來講,偏胖的學生終其一生機會就偏少,如果這一趨勢始于童年,由于教師的錯誤引導而讓學生低估了自己的學業(yè)表現(xiàn),那偏胖的學生心存偏見我們就有必要重申并且確保所有孩子從一開始就享有等同的機會。[/cn] [en]A person’s weight has nothing to do with their intelligence. Being overweight doesn’t mean you’re stupid; being thin doesn’t mean you’re smart. Intelligent people come in all shapes and sizes, despite widespread cultural myths about fat people as “l(fā)azy” or “dumb.” And teachers should treat all their students accordingly.[/en][cn]一個人的體重與其智力沒有絲毫關(guān)系。偏胖并不意味著笨,瘦也不意味著就聰明。盡管廣為流傳的文化迷思認為,胖的人非懶即笨,事實上才智聰穎的人體型有胖也有瘦、身材有好也有壞。教師們應該一視同仁。[/cn]
本書有一股過于刻意的硬漢風,其中穿插著很多老式的黑話;至于情節(jié)呢,即使是對于一本懸疑小說來說也是出了名的復雜,而且書中的很多未講明的謎團直到今天也沒有被破解;但這些都不叫事兒。[/cn] 這本書的好處在于:它是一本懸疑小說,而且是一本相當出色的懸疑小說,劇情引人入勝,所以你不必擔心自己讀不下去。同時,它的行文十分口語化,你能在里面看到很多教科書上不會出現(xiàn)的英語,換句話說就是真正地道的英語。 - 適合一起學的課程 -: ? 總之,學習外語是一個沉浸的過程,只有在融入了一門語言的使用情境時,你才可能真的掌握它。而閱讀一門該語言的經(jīng)典著作,絕對是性價比最高的做法了。試試這5本書吧,它們不光是優(yōu)質(zhì)的語言學習素材,也能給你帶來不錯的文化素養(yǎng)哦。 ?
傲慢與偏見 Chapter01B
英語原版小說"I desire you will do no such thing. Lizzy is not a bit better than the others; and I am sure she is not half so handsome as Jane, nor half so good-humoured as Lydia. But you are alw...
傲慢與偏見 Chapter01B
英語原版小說"I desire you will do no such thing. Lizzy is not a bit better than the others; and I am sure she is not half so handsome as Jane, nor half so good-humoured as Lydia. But you are alw...
光了。[/cn] [en]For leading academics have researched how Mr Darcy was likely to really have looked, and the results are a far cry from the tall, dark and handsome leading man fans may have imagined.[/en][cn]因為知名學者們研究了達西先生真正的長相可能是什么樣的,結(jié)果表明他與粉絲想象中的高大、憂郁又帥氣的主角形象相差甚遠。[/cn] [en]In fact, a real-life Mr Darcy of his day was more likely to have a long nose, pointed chin, powdered white hair and pale complexion, according to historians.[/en][cn]歷史學家指出,事實上,在他那個年代,現(xiàn)實生活中的達西先生更可能有著高高的鼻梁、尖尖的下巴、搽粉的白發(fā)以及蒼白的膚色。[/cn] [en]The team, led by Professor John Sutherland, have now [w=unveil]unveiled[/w] what they claim to be the "first historically accurate portrait" of Mr Darcy.[/en][cn]如今,約翰·薩瑟蘭教授領導的這個團隊揭示了他們自稱為達西先生“符合歷史依據(jù)的第一幅合格畫像”。[/cn] [en]They did so by looking into the "scraps" of description that writer Jane Austen provided for her famous character, portrayed in countless TV adaptations of Pride And Prejudice.[/en][cn]他們通過研究作家簡·奧斯汀為她的著名角色提供的描述“片段”,以及無數(shù)《傲慢與偏見》的電視劇改編本中刻畫的形象“片段”,制作了這幅畫像。[/cn] [en]Austen's relationships and the men who may have inspired her character and the socio-economic, cultural and lifestyle factors of the time were also factored in by the experts.[/en][cn]專家們還考慮了奧斯汀的人際關(guān)系、那位可