說到核問題,或許大家想到最多的就是朝鮮半島和伊朗吧?但這次新聞的主人公可不是他們哦,而是長滿薰衣草的浪漫國度法國,究竟發(fā)生了什么呢?聽聽就知道了! Hints: nuclear test 核試驗 French Defence Ministry Mururoa Atoll swift reaction condemne Jacques Chirac 前面的考試說明不用聽寫出來
France has carried out the first of a planned series of nuclear tests in the south Pacific despite strong international opposition. The French Defence Ministry said the device exploded at an underground site beneath Mururoa Atoll yielded less than 20 kilotons. Australian scientists described it as fairly small compared with previous tests. There's been swift reaction from several countries. New Zealand and Chile have recalled their ambassadors to Paris in protest. Australia condemned the test and the US expressed its regret. Before the nuclear device was exploded, the French Preisdent Jacques Chirac said his country might carry out fewer than the eight tests originally planned.