With around the clock attention for Blue Ivy, Beyonce isn’t taking ANY chances with her daughter’s welfare!
Beyonce wants nothing but the best for her little girl — including a total of six nannies! The 30-year-old has two nannies on call at all times to assure Blue Ivy Carter “has the best of care,” a friend of the singer told In Touch. “Her diaper is changed almost every hour.”
That’s not the only lavish treatment Blue Ivy is receiving. Proud papa Jay-Z ”bought her diamond earrings and a platinum bracelet,” reveals the friend. Blue’s parents even bought her a $600 thousand gold rocking horse!
Beyonce and Jay-Z are putting all other celebrity parents to shame with these first class luxuries for their little princess.
滬江娛樂快訊:“天王”“天后”的女兒當然也要受到“天后級”的待遇!真正的天之驕女Blue Ivy從一出生就享受這樣高貴的待遇!第一次當父母的Jay-Z與碧昂絲迫不及待將最好的東西都給自己的寶貝女兒!甚至連帶小孩的保姆也要請6個!一個喂奶、一個換尿布、一個逗樂、一個……對于這個寶貝女兒,碧昂絲容不得一點閃失,6個保姆齊上陣,360度全方位全天候照顧。好萊塢巨星陣仗果然大!