2010奧斯卡得獎感言要點 不許流淚不許哭
2010-02-17 17:46
Academy Awards nominees including Meryl Streep, Sandra Bullock and George Clooney have been ordered not to cry during their acceptance speech.
The Hollywood stars gathered in Los Angeles for the annual Oscar nominees luncheon in Beverly Hills on Monday, and organisers of the upcoming show took time to hand out advice for the potential winners.
Oscar co-producer Bill Mechanic urged the stars to hold back their emotions once they reach the coveted podium, because teary-eyed thanks are "the single most-hated thing on the show."
奧斯卡頒獎禮的制片人之一Bill Mechanic請各位明星們拿到小金人兒的時候一定要控制自己的情緒,因為一把鼻涕一把淚地致謝實在是“最叫人討厭的事情了”。
Co-producer Adam Shankman introduced plans for the winners to give two speeches - a short thanks in front of the audience and a more personal version to cameras backstage, which can then be emailed to friends and family or posted online.
另一位制片人Adam Shankman則亮出了獲獎感言一式兩份的主意:面對全體觀眾用一份簡短的致謝詞;待回到后臺再對著相機錄一段更私人的版本,用以電郵給親朋好友或者在網(wǎng)上發(fā)布。
The Academy Awards will take place in L.A. on 7 March.