


In a way, I'm almost glad that flood interrupted us, because I don't like the toast I was giving. I'm gonna start over. When I look down this table with the exquisite feast set before us, I see, two terrific lawyers, a skilled pediatrician, a wonderful chef, a savvy real estate agent, an excellent tailor, a crack accountant, a gifted musician, a pretty good minnow fisherman, and possibly the best landscape painter working on the scene today. Maybe a few of you might even read my column from time to time. Who knows? I tend to doubt it. I also see a room full of wild animals. Wild animals with true natures and pure talents. Wild animals with scientific sounding Latin names that means something about our D.N.A. Wild animals each with his own strengths and weaknesses due to his or her species. Anyway, I think it may very well be all the beautiful differences among us that just might give us the tiniest glimmer of a chance of saving my nephew and letting me make it up to you for getting us into this crazy whatever-it-is. I don't know. It's just a thought. Thank you for listening. Cheers, everyone.