NIMZIKI: That thing's a wreck. It crash landed back in the fifties! We don't even know if it's capable of flying.
DAVID: Jim, remove the clamps! Any other questions?
PRESIDENT: Let's do it. Good luck,pilot!
STEVE: Thank you, Mr. President.
DAVE: Do you really think you can fly that thing?
STEVE: Do you really think you can do all that bullshit you just said?
NIMZIKI: I understand you are upset over your wife’s death. But that’s no excuse for making another fatal mistake.
PRESIDENT: No, the only mistake was to appoint a sniveling weasel like you as Secretary of Defense.
NIMZIKI: You don’t understand!
PRESIDENT: However, that is one mistake I am thankful to say that I don’t have to live with.
NIMZIKI: Mr. President...
PRESIDENT: Mr. Nimziki, you’re fired.