Sid:I'm sorry, but you can't go in. Manny says, It's just for kids. Wait a minute... You are kids!Just don't break anything!
Boy: The Sloth says the playground's open!
Sid: No, wait. Not for everyone!!No, no. Don't touch that!
Woman: what are they? Who cares? Their fun!
Son1: Mommy, his not sharing.
Mother1: Aren't you gonna do something.
Sid: Why, my kid had it first.
Son1: Did not!
Sid: Did to!
liar, liar, pants on fire.
liar, liar, pants on fire:
Mother1: what is the matter with you?
Sid: I'm a single mother with 3 kids.I could use a little compassion.
Son2: No don't!
Ronald: No, don't! Stop.
Mother Ronald: Ronald! Ronald!
Sid: Whoa! That's insane.
Audience: Stop! Stop! Stop!
Jonny’ mother: Hold on, Little Johnny!
Jonny: I'm trying!
Sid: You know, experts say that you should let the kids eat whatever they want.
Ellie: Do you think my ankles look fat?
Manny: Ankles. what ankles?
Manny: Ronald, Where did you come from?
Sid: Okay come on spit him out! If you don't spit out, Little Johnny,We're leaving the playground this instantly, one...two .. Don't make me say We are, a picture of health.
Johnny’s mother: That's not little Johnny.
Sid: Well better than nothing.
Madison’s mother: Madison!
Sid: Come on, barf him up!
Manny: Sid!
Sid: Hello, Manny.
Johnny’s mother: Little Johnny!
Manny: Oh wait... No! No!
Sid: Oh I'm really sorry.
Crash: This place is totalled. And we didn't reck it. We're losing our touch bro!
Sid: The important thing is that no one got hurt. Except for that guy.And, and those three... and her.
Manny: I told you to take them back, and you kept them! Now look what they've done.
Sid: Okay granted, We do have some discipline issues.
Manny: Eating kids is not a discipline issue.
Sid: But he spit them out!
Manny: Well that's super, lets give him a gold star!They don't belong here, Sid. Whatever they are wherever you found them, take them back.
Sid: Manny, I'm not getting rid of my kids!