2011-03-29 09:35
1 Robert and Kristin
Robert Pattinson said, “I’m not a man for short and superficial love affairs. I don’t talk about my relationships with female friends, not to mention how I don’t talk about the rumors about my relationship with Kristen Stewart, an actress I admire because she’s a real person, and a real actress.
2 Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt was a swingin’ bachelor, but practically did a 180, changing his entire lifestyle to fit to Angelina Jolie.
3 Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber’s never been shy about his feelings for Selena Gomez (he told us she’s “amazing”) but Selena isn’t exactly ready to shout her feelings from the rooftops just yet.
4 Katie Holmes and Actor Tom Cruise
Katie Holmes and Tom Cruises’ baby girl Suri was born on April 18, 2006, a wedding is set to take place in the summer.
5 David and Victoria Beckham
David Beckham have admitted to falling head over heels for their significant lover.
7 Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith
Many people agree that Jada Pinkett-Smith and Will Smith are the best married couple ever.
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