本屆艾美獎開場可謂華麗得讓人大跌眼鏡,實在是明星陣容無比強大。除了歡樂的主持人之外,這段開場還齊聚了《吸血鬼日記》的Nina、《摩登家庭》的Jorge Garcia、《社區(qū)學(xué)?!返腏oel McHale、《我為喜劇狂》的Tina Fey、《廣告狂人》的Jon Hamm、《天橋驕子》的Tim Gunn、《美國偶像》的Randy Jackson、《與星共舞》的Kate Gosselin、影壇常青樹Betty White以及《歡樂合唱團(tuán)》眾人。
The Emmy opening number 2010 was a star studded affair, as the likes of Tina Fey, Jon Hamm, Jorge Garcia, Joel McHale, Randy Jackson, Nina Dobrev and more popped by to sing and dance. Of course, Betty White had to make a cameo, and of course, Jane Lynch had to slushie the group. Even Kate Gosselin tried to get in the act, but the club brushed past her.