“The Big Bang Theory” is finally introducing Penny’s mom and brother, and they’re already TV icons. “Sons of Anarchy” and “Married with Children” alum Katey Sagalwill join the hit CBS comedy as the mother of Kaley Cuoco’s character, and “30 Rock” alum Jack McBrayerwill play Penny’s brother in the first episode of Season 10, showrunner Steve Molarorevealed at Comic-Con.

A fan asked what’s coming up for Penny’s career in Season 10, given that she’s currently unhappy but making plenty of money. “We’re still figuring things out; I think she’s in an interesting and relatable place. She’s going to start to weigh her options,” Molaro said.

A fan asked whether the writers have an endgame in mind for the show, but Molaro admitted it’s too soon to think about it.
