FX has released the poster for the upcoming fourth season of horror anthology series "American Horror Story," subtitled "Freak Show." The art shows off various characters, like Michael Chiklis as the strongman, Sarah Paulson as the two-headed woman, Kathy Bates as the bearded lady and more. The hashtag is "Wir sind alle freaks," which means, "We are all freaks" in German.
FX電視臺發(fā)布《美國恐怖故事》即將回歸的第四季《畸形秀》的海報一張。這張海報上展示了多為角色,比如Michael Chilklis扮演的強壯人,Sarah Paulson扮演的2頭女,Kathy Bates扮演的胡子女等。海報上標(biāo)簽寫著”Wir sind alle freaks”就是“我們都是怪物”的德語。

The network has also started releasing various teasers for the show, the newest of which are below.

"AHS" just picked up several Emmys for Season 3's "Coven" series for Jessica Lange and Kathy Bates. We look forward to what's in store come Season 4, which premieres Wednesday, Oct. 8 at 10 p.m. ET/PT on FX.
《美恐》在剛剛舉行的艾美獎上憑借第三季《女巫集會》拿下了多個大獎,拿獎的明星包括Jessica Lange、Kathy Bates。這樣讓我們更加期待第四季,《美恐》第四季將會在北京時間10月9日開播。