Tonight marked the final episode of Breaking Bad, and the show made sure that it went out with a bang. There were tons of theories flying around about how the series would end, and as it turns out, a few of the most popular ones actually took place.?
In the end, a few of the most popular fan theories turned out to be correct — Walt died as the result of a violent showdown with the Nazis, Todd and his crew were killed, Walt helped free Jesse, and Lydia got the ricin treatment through her very particular tea order. Walt also got a chance to make sure that his $9 million would eventually end up going to Walt Jr. by handing it off to Gretchen and Elliott.
The episode was also immensely satisfying in that we got to watch Jesse strangle the life out of his captor, Todd, and we finally got to see Walt admit that he didn't just go into the meth business to help his family. In his final meeting with Skyler, Walt tells her about his illegal activities, "I liked. I was good at it and I was really — I was alive." It was only fitting that Walt spent the final moments of his life checking on the one thing that eventually consumed his life: his meth lab.
《絕命毒師》大結局已上演,我們要跟這部長達五季度的劇集說再見了。在最終集上演之前,劇迷們早已預知了老白的死,并對老白將以何種方式死亡展開了激烈的討論。最終老白死于一場惡斗,他并沒有得到一個好的結局。而劇迷們得以聽到老白的心聲,他并不是為了支持家庭而走向邪惡,他是為了自己的歡愉:“我享受(這一切違法的活動)。我擅長這些,在做壞事兒的時候我是活著的?!弊屛覀兏习渍f再見,也跟這部陪伴我們這么久的劇,say goodbye 吧。