  26.D. hierarchy
  27.H. logistical
  28.E. insight
  29.M. saturated
  30.L. rarely
  31.O. undoubtedly
  32.J. outcomes
  33.A. bond
  34.I. magically
  35.K. patterns


  Six Potential Brain Benefits of Bilingual Education
  36.H.段落第一句Do these same advantages benefit a child who begins learning a second language in kindergarten in-Ipcstead of as a baby?
  37.C段落第一句Traditional programs for English-language learners,
  38.J段落第一句About 10 percent of students in the Port-land,
  39.D段落第一句The trend flies in the face of some of the culture wars of two decades ago,
  40.M段落第一句American public school classrooms as a whole are becoming more segregated by race and class Du-al-language programs can be an exception.
  41.E段落第一句Some of the insistence on English-first was founded on research produced decades ago,
  42.B段落第一句Again and again, researchers have found,"bilingualism is an experience that shapes our brain for life,
  43.P段落第一句A review of studies published last year found that cognitive advantages failed to appear in 83 per-cent of published studies,
  44.G段落第一句 People who speak two languages often outperform monolinguals on general measures of executive function.
  45.N段落第一句Several of the researchers also pointed out that,

  46- 50 (Public health)
  46. B : People disagree as to who should do what.
  47.A Governments have a role to play.
  48. B They have not come up with anything more construc-tive.
  49. D To justify government intervention in solving the obesity problem .
  50. C When individuals have the incentive to act accordingly.
  51-55 (The Coral Sea proposal)
  51. A It is exceptionally rich in marine life.
  52. D Complete the series of marine reserves around its coast.
  53. A The government has not done enough for marine protection
  54.D It is a tremendous joint effort to protect the range of marine habitats
  55. C It will protect regions that actually require little pro-tection