




“Gentlemen accommodate diversity in the seek of harmony, whereas base people tolerate no disparities in the quest of uniformity”. To act like the gentlemen when handling the relations among various cultures will surely facilitate the settlement of disputes among different nations and ethnic groups. Peaceful coexistence among all civilizations should be upheld, while conflicts or even wars caused by cultural diversities should be avoided.

The loftiest ideals of Chinese traditional culture are that, “All living things flourish without mutual harm, and opinions contend with little contradiction”. In this proverbs, “All living things flourish” and “opinions contend” find conformity with “diversity”, while “without mutual harm” and “with little contradiction” refers to “harmony”. This thought showers the multi-cultural coexistence with endless inspirations.

An equal and humble attitude is a must when we try to approach the truth of any civilizations. Condescendence only results in a mist of understanding, or worse, incompatibility. History and reality repeat that pride and prejudices constitute the largest stumbling block amid the road of the exchange of civilizations.


