2014-12-27 17:57
Stress is the human body’s natural response to any change in the environment that requires an action, reaction, or adjustment to what’s normal. How a person handles it very much defines stress for that person. Here are interesting facts about stress:
1.Three-fourths of the human population undergo stress in varying levels in a 2-week period. The working population is particularly subject to emotional, physical, and mental stress.
2.According to an opinion poll, the major cause for stress in nearly all countries surveyed is money. The less stressed are: Russia, France, and Italy.
3.Through generations, stress has effectively enhanced human survival because of its specific traits that jog your wakefulness and develop bodily functions.
4.Chewing gum eases, not only the jaw, but stress as well. Ancient Mayans and Greeks chomped on resin gum; stress sure had been around a long time.
5.Cocoa and chocolate, which are rich in antioxidants, have been are known to reduce stress.
6.Chinese stress balls or Baoding balls are believed to alleviate stress because they apply force to pressure points on the hand.
7.Stress is interconnected with the topmost causes of death globally: accidents, cancer, heart disease, suicide, lung disorders, and cirrhosis of the liver.
8.Laughter is usually the best natural medicine. It lowers levels of cortisol, adrenaline, and epinephrine, which are stress-aggravating hormones; and it releases feel-good hormones, such as, dopamine.
9.Stress makes you stupid – Stress suppresses activity in the area of your brain responsible for rational thought, concentration, & short term memory. The more stress you have, the more this area is suppressed. This is why you “get stupid” in really stressful situations. If you’ve ever had a brain wreck during a run in with your boss, on a first date, or in the aftermath of a car accident you know what I’m talking about.