To galvanize your job search and lead you to your new dream job, your communications with any prospective employer — whether via phone, email or during a job interview — must incorporate these three messages:

1. Here's what I've got.

You’ll notice this isn’t “Here’s what I know.” Your employer doesn’t care about what you know. In fact, what you know has little relevance to your employer.

It’s what you can do with what you know that really counts. Nothing else matters, but this is where the majority of people go wrong.

Just because you have specialized knowledge doesn’t mean you should be employed.

2. Here's what I will do for you.

This is the step where you demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position.

Your attitude will come through in your interactions, so being positive is important. A negative attitude can be poisonous in this step.

Keep in mind that many candidates have experienced the same hardships, but they bring positivity to their interviews. That positivity is not just contagious; it makes people want to work with you.

3. Here's what I want you to do next for me.

Don’t ask about compensation and benefits. Instead, let the interviewer broach those topics. Interviewers will often ask applicants what compensation they’re seeking.

When asked this question, a lot of interviewees will say they don’t know or cite a too-high or too-low figure based on guesswork.

In summary, employers are mostly interested in what you can do for them. They really don’t care about your background, except with respect to how you can use it for their benefit.