獨立甜蜜:初戀的少女情懷 My Dear Giant
Artist:The Marshmallow Kisses
In a second you may come back and I may fall
I lost my papers missed the chances I owe you all
Though they change and burn and sink
I dare not try to break the promises at all
Say it sucks and rots and stinks
Its not some homework just for hand in after all
In a second you may come back and I may fall
I lost my papers missed the chances I owe you all
Though they change and burn and sink
I dare not try to break the promises at all
Say it sucks and rots and stinks
Its not some homework just for hand in after all
The Marshmallow Kisses 是一男一女組合,由兩個素未謀面但調性相合的居家余手,Edine (郭家嘉)原本打算自立獨當創(chuàng)作歌手,而另一位曾擔任The Pancakes 樂的Peter (潘智健)自小接受正統(tǒng)鋼琴訓練,亦彈一手美妙的Bossanova吉他,在經朋友撮合下決定合組樂團。TMK 新討喜的童話式indie-pop,音樂就如同他們的名字一般,像柔細的軟糖,輕輕咬下去,滿口童真的香甜滋味,清新而且溫暖,充滿了稚嫩的年少情懷。
因為聽這望穿秋水的首張迷你專輯‘i wonder why my favorite boy leaves me In The Rain',很少有人不被打動的。Peter負責音樂、Edine負責唱歌,完全DIY的制作不代表音樂上會有所遜色,作足了所有indie pop團的基本功課,jangle pop、bossa nova、light jazz、neo acoustic等元素并列,如果沒告訴你他們出身背景你大概會以為又是個不知道打哪來的上乘indie pop新團吧。七首歌的迷你專輯扣除序曲和過門,嚴格來說只有五首歌,然而曲曲皆精,讓人像聽也聽不膩似的百般回味。偶而穿插童稚的鍵琴與呆笨鼓機感覺得到草創(chuàng)初期的道地港味,現在聽來也顯得無傷大雅。
專輯名稱:I Wonder Why My Favorite Boy Leaves Me(EP)
2.My dear giant
3.The best days we used to have
5.Everyone else is ahead far ahead
6.I wonder why my favorite boy leaves me
7.Epilogue-French lesson