滬江小編:對于商界精英們來說,閱讀《金融時報》(Financial Times)幾乎成了每天的必修課。FT文章以分析為主,邏輯嚴密,經常被各類考試用作考題。非常適合學習BEC、TOEIC、GRE、GMAT的考生來閱讀、練習。滬江小編精選FT上的雙語文章,配上獨家的學習指南,從詞匯、短語、句式、文化、翻譯等多方面來解讀,長期堅持,相信會對英語學習有所幫助。


Yahoo pays $30-million for an iPhone app that has no revenue and is made by a teenager and this is what counts as product buzz at the $25-billion internet giant? That is not to say the backstory is uninteresting. Nick D’Aloisio as a boy in London teaches himself to code. He then invents a program called Summly that truncates news articles for the impatient mobile phone set. Later the free-to-download program quickly attracts some glittering backers and ultimately 1 million downloads.

But Yahoo plans to shutter the app so why pay $30-million or $30 per user? (Recall a year ago Facebook paid roughly that price per user – $1-billion in total – for the photo app Instagram that also lacked revenue but did represent a growing and passionate community). For one, Yahoo gets the summarisation algorithm that Mr D’Aloisio created with SRI International, the Silicon Valley lab that had originated the Siri personal assistant technology embedded in iPhones. Yahoo also gets the services of Mr D’Aloisio for the next 18 months. Mostly, it gets to show momentum in mobile technology to users and investors, but also to the developer talent that must believe working for Yahoo is as cool as working at Google or Twitter or any currently unknown pre-IPO start-up.

Yahoo’s struggles in traditional internet search and advertising are well-documented but with the mobile environment still up for grabs, it has the chance to redeem itself there. The company does have strong content portfolio and its 186 million U.S. monthly unique visitors, according to comScore, surprisingly is ahead of Facebook and only slightly trails Google. And the stock is up 50 per cent since Marissa Mayer took the helm in July (though half of its equity value is tied to non-core Asian investments). It could be time to consider buying one of those web or mobile players, say Hulu, run by a full-fledged grown-up.


1.Word of the day

algorithm: An algorithm is a series of mathematical steps, especially in a computer program, which will give you the answer to a particular kind of problem or question.? (尤指電腦程序中的)算法

2.Phrase of the day

counts as: ?If something counts or is counted as a particular thing, it is regarded as being that thing, especially in particular circumstances or under particular rules.(尤指在特定環(huán)境中或在特定規(guī)則下)將……看做,將……視為

ex1:No one agrees on what counts as a desert.

ex2:Any word that's not legible will be counted as wrong.

3.Sentence of the day

Yahoo’s struggles in traditional internet search and advertising are well-documented but with the mobile environment still up for grabs, it has the chance to redeem itself there.?

小編注:up for grabs是一個英語習語,grab有“搶奪”“奪取”的意思,這個習語按照字面意思,就是有一個東西在那里,供人們隨意抓取,誰搶到就是誰的。這里翻譯成群雄逐鹿是非常合適的。需要注意的是這個短語總是以復數形式出現,不能說成up for grab。

4.Cultural point of the day

年僅17歲的CEO。17歲的英國男孩達洛席歐(Nick D’Aloisio)是這篇新聞的主人公,他開發(fā)出了新聞摘要軟件Summly,一舉成名,并創(chuàng)辦了同名公司。這位令人羨艷的小伙子的成功并不是偶然的,在他12歲那年,Apple的iPhone應用商店開張,他便去詢問工作人員如何學習開發(fā)應用程序??恐W絡視頻的教程,他自學成才,每年暑假都會開發(fā)一款新的app,2011年他設計了可替用戶裁切新聞的應用程序Trimit,登上App Store后累計3萬人次下載。無論如何,Love&Passion永遠是成功的必要因素。

5.Translation of the day

He then invents a program called Summly that truncates news articles for the impatient mobile phone set.

小編注:原文中用了一個修辭手法,mobile phone set原義為“移動電話設備”,但“設備”顯然不會“impatient”,這里指的是用移動電話代指那些用移動電話的人群,譯文根據句意翻譯了出來。
