?貨物采購(Procurement of Goods)
土木工程承建(Procurement Of Civil Works)
咨詢服務(Procurement of Services)
Performance Bond:履約保證 | 履約保函 | 履行保證
投標保函 bid bond 銀行保函bank guarantee
Second (v)(贊成) motions附議
? Call to order宣布會議開始 Roll call 點名
? Announcement of quorum宣布會議法定人數(shù)
? Reading of minutes from/of the previous meeting宣讀上次會議記錄
? Approval of minutes from/of the previous meeting通過上次會議記錄 ? Chairperson’s report主席發(fā)言
? Subcommittee/participants’ report與會者發(fā)言
? Unfinished business討論未完成事務;討論(上次會議)遺留問題
? New business討論新的工作
? Announcement of the date (time, place) for next meeting
? Adjournment宣布會議結束
? 討論有關問題
? Related matters
? 通報辭職與退休情況
? Resignations and retirements
? 提名與選舉
? Nominations and elections
? 剪彩
? ribbon-cutting ceremony
? 奠基典禮
? stone-laying ceremony
? 落成典禮
? inauguration ceremony
? 竣工典禮
? project completion ceremony
? 論壇
? forum
? 全體會議
? plenary session/meeting
? 座談會
? panel discussion
? 小組討論
? group discussion
? 考察活動
? inspection tours
? 閉幕式
? closing ceremony
? 招待晚宴
? Reception Banquet