The CW has ordered a pilot for a current adaptation of "The Tomorrow People," a beloved '70s British series about humans with supernatural abilities. Powers like telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, and other interesting tele-things emerge in teenagers, complicating their lives and relationships. Presented as the next stage of human evolution, the only thing these teenagers can't do is intentionally kill other people.
CW宣布預訂最新版的《The Tomorrow People(未來青年)》,這是一部70年代廣受歡迎的科幻類英劇,講述一群有著超能力的人們的故事。這些年輕人有心靈感應能力、念力、隱身等各種神奇的特異功能,而這些特殊能力也讓他們的愛情、友情和生活更加復雜。作為進化到下個階段的人類,這些孩子唯一不能做的就是故意殺掉別人。

The new adaptation has quite a pedigree, as it's executive produced by Greg Berlanti ("Arrow") and Julie Plec ("The Vampire Diaries"). The pilot was written by Phil Klemmer ("Chuck").
這部英劇翻拍而來的美劇的執(zhí)行制片人是《綠箭俠》的制片人Greg Berlanti,和《吸血鬼日記》現任制片人Julie Plec,劇本改編將會由《超市特工》的編劇來做。